Here we go! Roll on 40!

Today marks my last day in my 30’s and there’s a Strawberry Moon rising tonight to mark the solstice. Love it! Turning 40 on an auspicious day because it won’t be a full moon on a solstice again until after I’m long gone.

I was born at official sunrise time on the winter solstice and now I’m on the other side of the magic line and it’s summer. WOOT!

Turning 40 has terrified me for a long time but I’ve decided sod it, I’m going to rock being 40! It’s been a gift denied to friends long gone. They never made it this far so I’m going to rock it for them as much as myself.

We spent the day at the beach; it felt so good being back in the ocean. There was no swimming allowed as there was a rip current but just sitting in the water was enough. Sand between my toes and sun on my face with the waves breaking. Damn I’ve missed the sea!

I took a walk to do some late-30’s contemplating; things I’ve done; things I haven’t done yet. There were teeny little hermit crabs in the shallows and of course, that sent my brain on a tangent.

We are always home. Our bodies are home. Wherever we are, we’re always home. My body isn’t in the state I want it to be, which could be why I keep trying to escape where I am. Crabs take their homes everywhere.

Crabs can’t exist in all environments though; we’re the same. Each of us in unique and we thrive in different environments, so when we’re out of that place, we’re uncomfortable. My ‘home’ doesn’t thrive here and I’m aware of that. So it’s time to put my home in a place where it works at its best but irrespective of where that is, I’m always home.

Wherever you go, you take yourself with you. So tidy out your ‘home’ and make it exactly what you want it to be on the inside because it will follow you everywhere. Put it in an environment where it can thrive. Environment is internal as well as external.

I found a shell on the beach which sums up where I am right now. I’ve grown and while it’s time to shed the old, the old has taught me what I know. It’s time to grow on it, add to it and make it better.

My old shell was home and the good parts will add to my new home.

A new shell growing on an old one

Never stop growing.

The key lies within

Humans are weird. We want change yet we resist it. We want improvement yet we make the same choices day in, day out. We want our dream lives yet we laugh it off as nothing more than that; a dream. A phantom wish flung out into the void that likely won’t be granted.

We tend to fear what we don’t know. Some people can get comfortable being uncomfortable. Those are the entrepreneurs and risk-takers. They feel fear but aren’t paralysed by it. Those are the people who have the epic before/after pics showing a complete transformation; be it body or lifestyle.

How did they push past it and do it anyway? What was the catalyst that woke them up from their Groundhog Day stupor and had them deciding: ENOUGH. I’m done. No more of this?

In the quest to restore my 4 rooms (physical, emotional, mental & spiritual), I’ve come to a realization. It starts in the spiritual room, however that looks for you. Do not confuse religion and spirituality; they are not the same thing. Spirituality is living in a way that aligns with what matters to you and brings you inner peace. Religion can bring you the same thing but not everyone is religious. I’m certainly not.

The room that needs the biggest overhaul is the physical one. With 30 lbs. to lose, it’s a sizeable challenge when viewed from the starting line. Yet, despite having a wealth of information at my fingertips, access to good food at a reasonable price and living in a place that is safe enough to exercise outdoors, I’ve made no progress. The barrier to transformation is not external; it’s internal. The key is in the spiritual room if you want to change the other 3.

I haven’t made peace with myself as I am now and by point-blank denying the state of affairs, change will not come. You wouldn’t fix something if you didn’t think it was broken, would you? Therein lies the problem. By denying I need to change, I haven’t.

There are several blogs that I subscribe to, mostly centered on better living and health. One of them sent me a link to a webinar on embracing the feminine and living authentically. I’m not a webinar fan because let’s be real, the first acronym has me mentally hitting the snooze button but I felt drawn to this one so had a listen.

Transforming! The blogger once had a life similar to mine now: finance job, stress, mentally exhausted and no passion or purpose. Granted, she earned a punt-load more than I currently do but that’s irrelevant. It’s still relatable.

She consciously chose to change and find her passion and live authentically. Ok, she had more moola in the bank from her job than I do, but again, relatable.

By putting her spiritual/inner needs first, she found her niche. She listed her daily rituals and well, what’s to lose by trying that? So I have. Meditating before going to bed; visualizing the peace I want in my life and actually seeing myself in the life I want; making time during the day to just reflect & be still; moving my body; journaling; checking in with my intuition. She uses Tarot cards, I have Runes.

Well….. let’s just say HOLY CRAP! The question I asked last night was: what is blocking me from the life I want? The answer:

Outmoded thinking. Old habits that no longer serve me. Not willing to be honest about what needs to change. Refusing to let right action flow through me. Ignoring my intuition. Need to be mindful of my health and the people I surround myself with. Unwillingness to let go.

Basically, the universe kneed me in the nuts. Hard. Every one of those things hits the mark. I drew 3 stones: 2 were inverted which indicates a blockage and one is the same in both directions. I am my biggest blockage.

The idea that I can’t make a living doing what I love; that I have nothing meaningful to contribute; that I need to work for a boss to support myself; that I’m genetically predisposed to being overweight because my family are; all of these things are what I’ve believed my whole life. I’ve believed because that’s what my parents and grandparents have believed. Look, learn, do.

Logically it’s a crock of shite. There are many people who are extremely successful doing things that I love; writing, photography, art. They are self-employed so no boss required. My family is overweight because of what they put onto their plates, not because they’re genetically meant to be. If they ate right, that reality would change. Their reality is not mine unless I choose it.

So I’ve made an appointment with a holistic nutritionist to address my diet and the changes that I need to make. I need to write, even if no-one is reading it & time to take my camera out for a jaunt again because I’ve barely taken photos this year. Spring came and went without a single picture.

There’s nothing to fear other than having a closet full of options in the morning of pretty dresses that actually fit.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you need a detour.

The news on taking my job with me is basically no. Due to jurisdiction issues in the type of company I work for, it’s not doable. I can get a job with a different branch of the same company, I just can’t work this job from that location.

This changes the game. Plan A was taking my job with me; Plan B was doing it for a month or so from over there, then going my own way; Plan C was leaving with no job to go to.

Plans A & B are no longer options. Plan C doesn’t appeal to be honest. So Plan D is to take a few days, get a decent flight price and go over to see my friend. Then come back here and stick to my original timeline of November/December. If I can’t take my job with me, then I need to have the finances to support myself while I’m there. That means a few extra months here to clear up my loan from Bank of Dad so I can leave with everything paid up in full and completely debt free.

Plan D feels right. Plan C gives me palpitations so time to update some things on my spreadsheet and roll with it.

Thankfully my boss has offered to work around any time off I need to go to London, so that is immensely helpful and I’m grateful. The conversations we’ve had have been around a mutually beneficial solution and it’s amazing what compromises can be reached when you’re both considering what’s best for the other party. It opens up solutions that weren’t visible from a ME ME perspective. Funny how that works…

In the meantime, I’m feasting my eyes on some photography pages on Facebook that focus on Scotland. If I can’t go to my mountains, I’ll let them bring me pictures of my mountains instead.

The Highland Games are in Itasca, IL on June 17 & 18 so I will defo be heading there for a day to snap some pics and feast my eyes and ears on all things Scottish!

The signs just keep on coming

Yet another nudge from the universe that life and time wait for no-one. A week ago my London ‘husband’ called from Greece, where he was celebrating his partner’s birthday. An old high school friend had some bad news from his oncologist.

The cancer is back in his spine, pelvis and liver. They’ve stopped treatment and have given him a clock of ‘sometime around fall.’ That’s a mere 3 months away. He’s scared.

He isn’t even 40 with a 7 mth old daughter and 3 year old son whom he adores! They won’t remember him.

Despite all the faith in existence and the wonders of modern medicine, they cannot fix this. Mykal is taking it badly; he and Adrian are close. What do you say? Which words could possibly make this less devastating?!

While we all have ‘the rest of our lives ahead of us’, there’s no way of knowing how long ‘the rest’ is. 5 minutes. 5 years. 5 decades. Who knows?

If you sit down and give some serious thought to what you want out of life, the dream if you will, it’s very easy to get daunted and think you’ll never get it. Whether it’s the 30 lbs you need to lose, the supermodel body, the car, house, dream job; whatever IT is for you, you need to get after it.

You can tackle it balls to the wall or one step at a time. There’s no prescription for any of it. Just do something. Anything. ONE THING.

One disclaimer I’ll toss in here is that if you have more than 2 priorities, then you don’t have any. Decide which one is the most important for you with maybe a smaller one on the side and tackle it. I’ve opted for 20 lbs and relocating myself in the next 3 months. I’d like to see him again while there’s time.

This has significantly bumped up my clock on moving but I do my best living under pressure. The passport application went in last Saturday with a rush job on it. The boss is aware of my plan and he’s actually trying to make it happen for me from a job perspective. (Never underestimate people’s willingness to help you on your way.)

The visa app will go in within the next 3 weeks and from there it’s a roughly 3 week turnaround on a response. This means by the end of June I will have an answer on which way my life is going. It’s magic spreadsheet time, when I start finding homes for the stuff that won’t be shipped. This is happening. I’m going home!

That it took a terminally ill friend I haven’t seen in 25 years to make me pull my finger out of my arse is sad. I wish I was going home under happier circumstances. While it might sound trite and meaningless in the grand scheme, he has pushed me to LIVE; to finally get off my butt and make a change. I turn 40 1 month today. Holy shit.

While the visa work is happening in the background, there’s the business of gently getting my body back. I’ve had a cough I haven’t been able to shake for about 6 months now so I Googled things that cause mucous. Well…

Increased consumption of dairy (cheese is GOOD!), caffeine (yep!), sugar (yep because it goes in my caffeine), alcohol (scotch is delicious!), bread/gluten (yep, sammiches every day, sometimes twice a day) and eggs (I don’t have a problem with eggs.)

All of those things have increased since the end of last year so time to rein them in. Simply put, the coffees have to go because they will take some dairy and sugar with them. Scotch has been off the menu for a week and sammiches are down to every other day and no bread at home. My chest feels easier and I’m coughing a bit less.

Next is the small matter of shifting the poundage. I’ve cranked up my water intake and gone back to logging my stuff on myfitnesspal. It’s helpful seeing where the wasted calories are going. **SUGAR**

Unfortunately, a little over a week ago I asked my sister to show me how to make koeksisters, which is a traditional South African sweet and it takes a TON of sugar. We made the syrup last week and today is the dough and deep frying… the timing is not great given the mission I gave myself about 2 days after making the suggestion. But it’s family time and I’ve always wanted to learn how to make them so that’s what’s going down today. Moderation.

I’m in 3 fitbit challenges today so win, lose, shit or bust, I need to hit my 10k step goal. It might be in increments of 20 mins at a time, but I’ll meet it because it’s necessary.

You don’t need to tackle every goal in its entirety; break them down into bits. So what if it’s 20 minutes at a time, you’re still reaching the goal and that is what we’re aiming for. Getting to the finish line of the life we want to live.

I’ll cheer your corner all day long on the road to living your best life.

How hard could it be to choose?

Life leaves little clues to the lessons you need to learn. At least, that’s how it’s starting to look from here. The past few days have been something of an eye-opener and not the comfortable kind either.

My best friend’s youngest brother was killed unexpectedly in a motorcycle accident a week ago. It’s definitely left a mark on their family, especially as he was the youngest. Thankfully, he lived his life making time for things he loved. There’s a lesson to be learned there. Unfortunately, the point was only driven home when he died.

Another close friend has been working all the hours God sends. Weekends, weekdays past midnight. Crazy hours. For what? Money? Serving some machine that demands ever more from its employees? Or would those be slaves to wages and success?

Colleagues working crazy hours and being pressured into working weekends; trading precious free time on someone else’s whim. Coming in early and leaving late, all the while apologising for having a life outside of the office and needing to catch a flight for a vacation they’ve planned for ages.

Even the list of movies people have been hounding me to watch are about living a life of passion, consequence and happiness. Life isn’t about perfection or being blissfully happy every minute of every day. There are bumps in the road but if the destination is happiness, then the sacrifices are worth it.

This bullshit needs to stop. As in NOW. When are we going to stop trading our irreplaceable time on things that tie us down? Yes, we need to earn a living. We also need to LIVE! When we spend more time LIVING at the office instead of actually LIVING our lives, then someone needs to slam on the brakes and call a time-out.

We all have at least one thing that we dream of doing. Maybe it’s a place or an experience, or maybe it’s even a thing we dream of possessing. Whatever it is, wouldn’t now be the time to do something about it? We aren’t guaranteed a tomorrow. Andre wasn’t. At 54 he still had years of life ahead. A life he wasn’t granted.

Women spend too much time apologising for doing what they want. Men don’t apologise.

I’ve been on the fence recently about relocating. Not because I don’t want to be in Scotland but because I’m afraid. Usually when I make up my mind to go, it’s never been more than 3 months from decision to departure so there’s never really time to think about it. I decide and then I go and I figure it out as I go along.

This time the gap between decision and departure is a year and that’s given me time to overthink it. Worry about when would be the best time to go. Is it too soon? Will it be too late? Do I want to start dating here? Should I wait until I go? Stupid things keeping my life in limbo because I’m worried that living will make me happy and I won’t want to leave.

Have you ever heard anything so stupid?! Delaying happiness in case it keeps me in one place. So what if I stay? So what if I go? When will I stop making excuses and choose happiness instead?

Enough. This is bullshit.

After months, I’ve finally given myself the name I wanted. The baggage tied up with my old name is safely tucked away behind me and each day another place updates my existence with my new name and another piece of the old me fades away into obscurity. Soon that name will be erased and the things that have kept me tied to the past will go with it.

The woman I’ve always wanted to be sucks the juice out of life. Every last drop of juice until every delicious flavour has been tasted and savoured.

I could sit here and worry about the 20 lbs I haven’t lost so I can be the world’s version of acceptable; or I could lie here naked, admiring the curves that look like a Renaissance painting, drinking a glass of wine and having cake for dinner because it pleases me.

What life do you want? I want to live a stone’s throw from history with the continent a short hop away. I want a job that takes up minimal time while paying me a fair wage. My time is worth more than being someone’s profit minion. Making 6 figures working for a boss isn’t on my agenda. I’d much rather do it working at something I love.

It’s time to work your job around your life, not your life around your job. You deserve that much. If it doesn’t make you happy, you have to choose: Leave it; change it; accept it. Those are your options. Pick one and be happy.

To a man I’ve never known

You were my best friend’s brother. We’ve never met and never will. Not in this world anyway.

Through a random roll of the cosmic dice, you are gone. The laws of physics state that nature abhors a vacuum. Empty spaces must be filled; physics dictates that to be the case.

Your life was extinguished; maybe before its time; maybe in perfect time. No-one can know. The messages people have left in memory of your life speak of a life filled to the brim. Your hours were filled with hunting, hiking, fishing, camping. Family. Work was a side gig to enable what you loved. Work was not your life.

The pages of your book were filled with the things that brought you happiness and peace. Too often it’s the other way and work is all-consuming. The be-all and end-all of existence. Thankfully that was not the case with you.

You filled your pages with things that your family can look back on and smile over. Maybe not now, but someday. They will look at the example you left and realise that the meaning of life was left in the pages of your life.

They don’t understand now. They want more pages for you. Lots more pages. Pages that include them and pages that mean you’re still there. But you’ve gone.

Too much time is spent trading what is irreplaceable for what is replaceable. We trade our time for things. Things are replaceable; time is not.

You spent your time on irreplaceable moments of joy. Like for like; as it should be. That lesson is something those who know you, will take with them. Hopefully they will carry that memory from this day onward. The note to LIVE. Fill your days with what makes your heart sing because there’s no way of knowing how many verses this song called Life has.

Nature abhors a vacuum. You didn’t leave one. You filled every page of your book with no space remaining. Nature cannot move in to fill the space you have left. You left no space for regret and THAT is a life well lived. However short it may have been. You are irreplaceable.

Know that you have left the ultimate gift. A map on how to LIVE.

No-one wants to close the book on someone they love, but you wrote the perfect book. No blank spaces.

Rest in peace, Andre.

The end of me

Tomorrow is my Oath Ceremony and my name change will be official. A name I’ve carried for 39 years will formally become something else tomorrow.

It’s bittersweet in a way. It was a name chosen with love but sadly one I’ve never identified with. So I’ve gone against the grain and will be formally changing it tomorrow.

What that will feel like at 12 noon, I cannot say. I’m hoping there will be something to mark the passing of one identity into another. Maybe the burden of sadness I’ve carried around will be left at the door of the court room and I’ll emerge myself at the end of it.

Maybe it will all be the same and all that will be different is that I now have to change my name in 100 different places because my life is meshed into the grid.

18 months ago I decided I would change my name and I test-drove one for a while. Isabella. After a few months I decided it didn’t quite fit so it morphed into the Celtic version, Isobeil.

Maybe I’ll be more me for the first time in a lifetime and finally carve out an identity of my own choosing. Maybe I’ve had that power all along….

1 more night and I’ll have something resembling an answer to this.

Sharon, it’s been real but we have to part ways here. You were the first half of my life, Isobeil will be the last half. You can finally rest and put the baggage to bed. You carried it well and I thank you for that.

The Other

The idea of soulmates is not something to be taken lightly. Some scoff it off as fairy tales; others believe.

I’ve often wondered if I’ll ever find mine. The pessimism of reality tries to drown out the single spark of hope but somehow that spark won’t die. I want to believe he’s real.

This is something I wrote a long time ago to the soulmate I haven’t found yet.

Tens of thousands of words in existence, millions if you count all the languages. Yet here I sit and I cannot find the words. You have to wonder if there are words that haven’t been found yet because sometimes you come up against a feeling or thought and all the words in existence are suddenly MIA. Cannot find a single one to make the feeling real.

Maybe the feeling has a color, a smell, a sound. Blue. The most epic shade of blue framed in a smile that could melt any resistance in its path. The sound of that laugh is something burned so deep into my mind that I don’t know that I could erase it if I tried. I wouldn’t want to. There’s an empty space that the sound fills perfectly.

The pure terror that comes from knowing something without knowing how you know it. Are you from another time and place? Another lifetime? Are we back at the start again for the hundredth time because we walk this road in every incarnation? Are you the treasure I seek each time, sometimes to be found, other times not?

My hands want to reach out for you, to feel your skin, to absorb your heat. It’s getting harder to resist, I’m only so strong and the gravity of you is something I can’t fight forever. You’re orbiting me and each orbit is bringing you closer. When we collide will that be the end of life as we know it? Complete destruction of everything that went before, a slate wiped clean only to begin a new life form after the collision.

It wouldn’t be the first time. The gravity that draws us together cannot be stopped. Each lifetime ends the same way. You with me. Me with you. One. The end result never changes.

So we build in challenges, set up obstacles to be overcome because where is the fun in the same game each time? New challenges to overcome just to prove we will not be kept apart. With no memory of previous lifetimes the only clue we have each time is an aching emptiness that cannot be filled by anything or anyone else. The emptiness is deafening in its longing; a soundless scream into the void calling the other and then our gravity moves everything in its path to bring us back into orbit again. We latch on and we start circling each other in the eternal game that will end in us morphing into one again.

The search for the twin flame continues.

Checking in

It’s been a while since I last checked in. Things have been somewhat chaotic of late.

My brother is finally up and running and returned to work today. We’re very grateful for the support and kind words people sent through. The kindness of strangers cannot be overstated!

As far as possible, I’ve tried to work on the concept of my 4 rooms for well-being; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual.

The physical room is finally getting a long overdue airing out. Daily walks are back on the menu now that it’s warming up. Thank heavens! It’s become my walking meditation. I walk off my stress and think through whatever’s bugging me. It’s a 2 for 1 bargain! Pretty soon it will be light enough in the mornings to walk to the station – YAY!

Seeing nature come alive again is such a mental boost. It’s a reminder that no matter how bleak and shitty things look or how long it lasts, the light will always return. The grass is definitely greener!

The mental room is more organised. Focusing intently for shorter periods of time got better results than slogging away endlessly with half a mind. Learn to say no when there are too many things on your plate. I know, easier said than done, but just once, SAY IT. NO.

Homesickness gave the emotional room a rather hard knock. When you’re trying to stay afloat in a sea of chaos, it’s difficult to keep your focus. Progress on my plans to move to Scotland ground to a half for a while, which left me feeling like I was trying to achieve the impossible.

Since the last time I wrote, I’ve passed my citizenship test and will be doing my oath ceremony at the end of the month. As I’m doing a formal name change with my citizenship, there’s the small matter of changing my existing passport with the South African embassy. What I thought would take a few weeks to do turns out to be more like 18 months. Finding out that I’d possibly need to delay my move by 18 months was the emotional equivalent of shooting my childhood puppy. Total devastation.

Thankfully the UK visa people are logical and the court order will be sufficient for them to link my old and new names for a visa without needing to change my birth certificate. WAHOOOOOOO! The day I found that out felt like I’d won the lottery!!

Little things like that make me believe the universe will make this move happen for me. It will work.

Spiritually I’ve made time to feed my soul things that make me happy. Reading, music and walking meditations have created an oasis of calm in the chaos.

I’d love to figure out why when one area of life falls into balance, something else falls out. It’s as if there needs to be something out of whack or things wouldn’t be right with the world.

On the plus side, there are more rooms in balance than ones that are out of whack so that’s a step in the right direction.

Serenity is achievable; now only to remember how.

‘Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.’ – Hippocrates

A few weeks ago, the quote from Nina Leavins made an appearance in my blog. It’s time to revisit her wisdom:

“The Self Care Formula is simple. It is NITO(5R)…that is Nutrients In and Toxins Out in the 5 Realms the body works in (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental and Spiritual). Unfortunately, we are doing TINO(5R) that is toxins in and nutrients out.” 

My physical realm has been decidedly toxic for some time and each time it comes up on my radar, there’s a new creative excuse as to why it hasn’t been fixed.

Well, enough.

Each time I draw a mental picture of what I want in life, being healthy and balanced features somewhere in the top 3. Yet it is an aspect that is consistently neglected and time isn’t waiting for me to get on board. Aging waits for no-one.

Using the concept of 4 rooms, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, my mental room occupies most of my time. The emotional one is usually opened up to hurl a bunch of chaos into it and the spiritual room is barely a blip on the radar. The physical room is a train wreck.

Searching for balance feels like it’s been a lifelong quest; one I haven’t put much effort into if I’m brutally honest. Oh, I’ve thought about it plenty; it’s just never progressed beyond being the ‘well that would be nice’ phase.

With a family history of chronic medical issues ranging from cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems, some of which can be attributed to obesity, ignoring the physical realm is not something that can live on the back burner forever.

Everything in life is a choice; even not choosing. If we are not choosing health, we are tacitly choosing its counterpart.

Taking out the recycling and trash earlier brought home how much of a mark a single person makes. The scuba diver’s mantra of ‘take nothing but memories and leave nothing but bubbles’ pinged into my head. There’s definitely a lot more than bubbles going into the trash, never mind attempting to calculate the cost of what I’ve taken.

Exercising is the bane of my life; I hate it. Not even going to attempt to sugarcoat or deny that. So what alternatives are available to increase health and decrease weight?


Willpower is not something I possess in bucket loads. Stubbornness, yes. Willpower? Nope.

So the challenge is on to find a simple way to rejig my diet that will not involve copious amounts of willpower. Cooking is my therapist, so time to make that therapist dish up a cure using Nina’s advice of NITO(5R).

It’s time to choose. Health? Or continuing to feel like this for the next decade?