‘Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.’ – Hippocrates

A few weeks ago, the quote from Nina Leavins made an appearance in my blog. It’s time to revisit her wisdom:

“The Self Care Formula is simple. It is NITO(5R)…that is Nutrients In and Toxins Out in the 5 Realms the body works in (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental and Spiritual). Unfortunately, we are doing TINO(5R) that is toxins in and nutrients out.” 

My physical realm has been decidedly toxic for some time and each time it comes up on my radar, there’s a new creative excuse as to why it hasn’t been fixed.

Well, enough.

Each time I draw a mental picture of what I want in life, being healthy and balanced features somewhere in the top 3. Yet it is an aspect that is consistently neglected and time isn’t waiting for me to get on board. Aging waits for no-one.

Using the concept of 4 rooms, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, my mental room occupies most of my time. The emotional one is usually opened up to hurl a bunch of chaos into it and the spiritual room is barely a blip on the radar. The physical room is a train wreck.

Searching for balance feels like it’s been a lifelong quest; one I haven’t put much effort into if I’m brutally honest. Oh, I’ve thought about it plenty; it’s just never progressed beyond being the ‘well that would be nice’ phase.

With a family history of chronic medical issues ranging from cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems, some of which can be attributed to obesity, ignoring the physical realm is not something that can live on the back burner forever.

Everything in life is a choice; even not choosing. If we are not choosing health, we are tacitly choosing its counterpart.

Taking out the recycling and trash earlier brought home how much of a mark a single person makes. The scuba diver’s mantra of ‘take nothing but memories and leave nothing but bubbles’ pinged into my head. There’s definitely a lot more than bubbles going into the trash, never mind attempting to calculate the cost of what I’ve taken.

Exercising is the bane of my life; I hate it. Not even going to attempt to sugarcoat or deny that. So what alternatives are available to increase health and decrease weight?


Willpower is not something I possess in bucket loads. Stubbornness, yes. Willpower? Nope.

So the challenge is on to find a simple way to rejig my diet that will not involve copious amounts of willpower. Cooking is my therapist, so time to make that therapist dish up a cure using Nina’s advice of NITO(5R).

It’s time to choose. Health? Or continuing to feel like this for the next decade?



Author: MacScottie

I'm a South African-born American who dabbles in writing, photography and cookery. I lived in England for 6 years before moving to America. My first trip to Scotland was in 2003 and it was love at first sight. 4 trips later & I'm now on a quest to find a way back to my soul-home in Scotland. I've picked up favourite foods in each place I've lived so I'm a product of all the places I've been. A sprinkling of this, a dash of that and in an emergency, a generous splash of Scotch!

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