What better way to spend a bank holiday than making yummy food smells?
Today’s menu is Cauliflower and Bacon Soup. The soup is dead simple and takes less than an hour end to end.
You’ll need:
1 small cauliflower, chopped into florets.
2 medium potatoes, chopped.
1 large onion, chopped.
8 rashers bacon
2.5 cups (600 ml) vegetable stock
1 cup milk (250ml)
Salt and pepper to taste.
Extra bacon to garnish *optional*
Gently fry bacon and onion in a saucepan big enough to hold all the ingredients. The bacon fat will melt and make fat to fry the onions so no need to add oil.
Once the onion is translucent, toss in the potato, cauliflower, stock and milk and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the cauliflower is tender.
Pop in a blender and liquidise. Season to taste. I have a heavy hand when it comes to pepper. If you use salty bacon please taste before adding more salt. It’s impossible to unsalt a dish.
Fry up a few extra rashers of bacon to sprinkle on top as a garnish and serve with hot buttered toast. Delicious!
Depending on your concept of portion size, this recipe makes 4 generous portions of soup or 6 normal people portions.
You’re welcome.
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